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We chat to SuSy House about their app to make homes efficient and sustainable

We’re looking forward to welcoming Mauro Fazion and Rosie Morgan from Susy House to our next event entitled ‘Tech solutions for sustainably powered and efficient homes’ on Wednesday 19th February.

Their talk is entitled ‘ – Making sustainable homes achievable for all provides solutions for individuals and organisations looking to make homes more energy efficient. They cater to three main markets:

  1. Homeowners – the SuSy.House app, a free one-stop shop for supports those looking to increase the energy efficiency of their home.
  2. Retrofit installers – connecting homeowners with suppliers using the SuSy Business tool.
  3. Local authorities and housing associations – using SuSy Insights to identify properties fit for upgrades using data analysis and insights tool.​

This talk will provide an overview of the company since its inception (one our first GTSW speakers in 2020!) to today, and live demos of their solutions.

Mauro very kindly answered a few questions giving us a sneak peak as to what to expect from their talk:

Can you tell us about the origin of SuSy House?

We started to develop SuSy 3 years ago having in mind that we could help homes to be sustainable. To be sustainable, homes should improve their energy performance and the use of any resources.

We think that homes are fundamental, the “nest” of families, and that the families in most cases have no idea about how to improve their houses. We aimed to create something original and useful to fill this gap.

What are the primary goals/mission for the business?

To make homes sustainable for all and, to achieve that, we work with everyone involved in this scenario:

  • Homeowners
  • Tenants
  • Local authorities
  • Housing associations
  • Banks
  • Property professionals
  • Retrofit businesses

What successes have you had so far?

In just two years we created a huge platform and a unique database, providing unrivalled integrated solutions for home efficiency and improvement.

From our property identification platform – SuSy Insights – to the SuSy Portal Management and the SuSy House solution, which builds bespoke dashboards for every single home in the UK, and also a solution for green trades/installers  (SuSy Business) to connect them with all the stakeholders.

Since the launch SuSy has won awards, two funding rounds and two innovation grants, and an important pipeline of clients that are pioneering the green revolution. And we are very proud to announce we are providing now our platform for Retrofit West and Bristol City Leap, real trailblazers in the green retrofitting industry.

What are the main challenges that people face making their homes more efficient and environmentally friendly?

Knowledge about what to do, when to do, and with what resources.

SuSy provides solutions for all these challenges showing bespoke recommendations, many unique calculations about each house, different possible approaches and the best journeys to make it, including financing opportunities.

What does 2025 hold for SuSy House?

A year with thousands of homes performing better with the help of our solutions.

Thanks to SuSy House for the chat!

Please do join us either online or in-person at the Scott Logic offices (6.30-8pm on Wednesday 19th February) – RSVP here